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Thursday, December 29, 2011

First Try...Newsprint Nails

Well I thought that I would try out a seemingly easy project for my first Beck-terest, the Newsprint Nails Pin.
The post seemed simple enough. Paint your nails a light color, put on clear coat, dunk nails in alcohol and then place some newspaper on it. But as we all know, nothing is that simple.

I started with gathering the supplies - white nail polish, clear coat, newspaper and alcohol (plus some Q tips because you never know)...ok that was easy, all of this was in the house so I didn't need to buy anything.

According to the different blogs I have read, your nail polish needs to be completely dry for this to work. Since I know how impatient I am, I did this step the night before.

Then I put on clear coat and waited a few minutes for it to dry. Once dry I dunked my nail in a shot glass of alcohol (not the fun kind of shot-glass-full-of-alcohol).

Tap the extra liquid off your hand and then place the newspaper on your nail.
- Make sure your strip has PLENTY of text on it.   
- Also try to get it from an article that will not have any depressing words like "murder" "rape"  "child molested" as you probably do not want that on your nail...probably. 
- Press the newspaper very hard against your nail with your other hand and do not move it! It will smudge the print (and yes the print will come off backwards). 
- If the newspaper sticks to your nail, dip your nail with the newspaper on it into the alcohol. The paper will come off.

My first try turned out pretty good! I was excited.

And then in my excitement I forgot to put on the clear coat on my other hand. And then I smudged the text on a nail. And then...well I needed to have a drink.

But after re-painting a few nails and trying again, I think they came out ok. You HAVE to put on clear coat after you are done transferring the newsprint onto your nails so it does not rub off.

So it was not a complete success but it was also not a complete failure either. Now that I have the hang of it I will most likely try this again.


  1. Love it! I might also have to try this!!

  2. I was wondering if this would really work. Then again I don't have the patience at the moment to try it. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I prefer the fun kind of shot glass full of alcohol.
